Liposuction is a procedure that involves the removal of fat by the use of a cannula system through small incisions. Liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedure performed worldwide. It can be done awake or asleep and in many different areas of the body including the chin and lower jaw. The downtime is quite low and is an outpatient procedure. Liposuction is usually performed by using tumescent fluid infiltrated into the fat before it is removed.
Body Liposuction
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There are many forms of liposuction and many names in the market. The important thing to remember is that liposuction is the gold standard for fat removal. There are devices in the market that can cool or heat the fat and are considered noninvasive. These devices do work in the right candidates and should be compared to liposuction as the gold standard.
Over the years, the techniques used to perform liposuction have evolved to make the process safer and more effective. The procedure can be assisted with laser, RFA (radio frequency) ultrasound (VASER) or plasma. These assist devices can help with skin tightening and not actual fat removal.
Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, and a well-balanced healthy diet. While it may cause a slight reduction in weight, the procedure is more geared for recontouring the body. If you desire a weight loss procedure, there are options more suited toward that goal.
Undergoing liposuction may cause the appearance of loose skin, but it can be combined with other popular body contouring procedures, including a tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, and body lift to recontour the skin in the area(s) treated.
Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction is an excellent body contouring procedure for men and women who struggle with excess stubborn fat in areas that have not responded well to diet and exercise. It is extremely versatile and can be used to treat different areas of the body
Each area has its own outcomes. Areas where the skin is thinner for example inner thighs or inner arm may require a change in techniques or cannula size.
Adjuncts to Liposuction
Liposuction outcomes and contour results are based on the skill and expertise of the Plastic surgeon doing the procedure. Not on the following techniques used below. The following techniques can be employed in combination with traditional liposuction.
Laser assisted
Ultrasound assisted
Water assisted
These techniques can be employed in combination with Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL) or Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL). Results can vary based on techniques and Surgeon skill.
Fat transfer
Fat is harvested and transfer can be performed with liposuction and injection techniques. Liposuction is used to harvest the fat for transfer in a sterile fashion. This harvested fat is then processed and injected into the desired areas. Common areas where fat can be transferred include;
Buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift)
Defects in soft tissue in different areas of the body
Dr. Parikh can perform fat transfer to these areas if you are a candidate at the time of liposuction.
If you’re looking for a surgeon who is honest, has impeccable attention to detail, and very skilled, Dr. Parikh is your surgeon. He performed a breast implant replacement and breast lift, along with liposuction on my abdomen area. I’m very excited about the results. I didn’t have one second of anxiety or concern. He listened to my to all of my questions and desired outcomes. I was at ease the moment I chose him as my surgeon. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone, and I would definitely go to him again. He’s a class act.
The fluid that is infiltrated in the fat prior to liposuction. It allows for anesthesia and vasoconstriction (reduces blood loss) during liposuction. It allows for liposuction to be performed in the awake individual.
Tumescence is made of;
Anesthetic for pain control = Lidocaine
Fluid = Normal Saline (NS) or Lactated Ringer’s (LR) Solution
Vasoconstriction drug = Epinephrine or Adrenaline
The amount of tumescence infiltrated to the amount of lipoaspirate (the amount removed) is monitored closely. There are different ratios in how much tumescence is infiltrated to how much is removed with liposuction. Techniques such as Wet technique 3:1 ratio, Superwet technique 1:1 ratio or Tumescent techniques are employed.
Lidocaine toxicity occurs from too much lidocaine in the system based on weight of the individual. It’s very important to record lidocaine dosing and weight when performing liposuction.
Candidates for Liposuction
Candidates are relatively healthy. You should have good skin elasticity or recoil. After liposuction the skin recoil takes time to occur and the final results are usually not seen for months. If your skin elasticity is poor or there is poor recoil of the skin your results from liposuction may not be as dramatic or aesthetic in appearance. This is something that Dr. Parikh will figure out for you during consultation. Liposuction should be used in areas that do not respond to weight loss and exercise.
Liposuction is the most common cosmetic procedure performed. It is competitive and performed by physicians trained in different specialties or disciplines all over the world. Please do not underestimate liposuction procedures. Complications can occur and undesirable results can happen. It is important to set the goals and expectations for your body in a thorough consultation with Dr. Parikh prior to your procedure. We can offer liposuction either awake or asleep.
Direct Liposuction Complications
Nodule formation and Scar
Contour Irregularities
Injury to adjacent structures ( bowel, vessels, nerves etc..)
Burning of skin
Seroma and abscess
Complications of Tumescence Solution and Anesthetic
Lidocaine Toxicity
Anesthetic Complications
Fluid shifts
Fluid Overload
With any surgical procedure complications can occur, but are generally low. We encourage that you ask about complications during your visit with Dr. Parikh. Dr. Parikh will ensure that your safety is first and discuss any concern in great detail that is tailored to your specific medical history.
How Much Does Liposuction Cost?
The specific techniques used to perform a liposuction surgery varies from patient to patient depending on their unique aesthetic goals. The cost of the procedure is determined by factors including the amount of fat that needs to be removed and the areas of the body you want to target. During a consultation, we’ll discuss the details of the procedure in more depth and help develop a customized treatment plan that’s tailored to your individual needs. We’ll then discuss the cost associated with your liposuction surgery.
Contact Our Office
Liposuction is a great option for those who want to get rid of excess stubborn fat and want to reshape the contours of their bodies. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedure, don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Rikesh Parikh. Dr. Parikh double-board-certified plastic surgeon who will gladly walk you through the liposuction process and assist you on your journey to your ideal body.
Additional Procedure to a Slimmer Waist
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floating ribs.