
Nipple Correction

Conveniently located to serve Seattle and Bellevue

What is Nipple Correction Surgery?

Nipple correction surgery is a procedure designed to address cosmetic and functional issues relating to the nipples and areolae. The procedure is fully customized to address the needs of each individual and includes techniques from different types of breast procedures. The techniques utilized will help treat a variety of needs, including oversized areolae, abnormally elongated or large nipples, inverted nipples, or misshapen nipples. If necessary, Dr. Parikh can also help make the nipples more prominent during the procedure.

Types of Nipple Correction Techniques

Nipple correction surgery is not a one size fits all treatment. It requires extensive analysis of one’s breast contours and nipple symmetry. After studying your body, Dr. Parikh will determine the best surgical technique to address your cosmetic concerns.

Areola Reduction

In cases where the areolae appear oversized and asymmetrical with the rest of your breasts, an areola reduction may be utilized to help correct it. It’s a suitable option for men and women who were born with mismatched areolae or have areolae that are much bigger than they desire. During the procedure, Dr. Parikh will remove the excess pigmented skin and improve the shape of the areolae by bringing it more in line with the shape and size of the breasts.

Nipple Reduction

A nipple reduction is used to help those with large or deformed nipples achieve a more desirable appearance. It’s typically used for those who suffer from a condition known as nipple hypertrophy, an issue that can develop when the milk ducts of the nipples become enlarged. It can also help correct nipples that are elongated or droop downward as a result of breastfeeding.

Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted nipple correction surgery is suitable for those who have nipples that retract inward. It can be caused by short or scarred milk ducts and in some cases, can be the result of cancer. This procedure carries more risks as it requires the use of incisions and cutting milk ducts. Dr. Parikh performs this procedure with a great deal of care and precision to preserve the integrity of the breasts.

Ideal Candidates for Nipple Correction Surgery

Nipple correction surgery is a suitable procedure for both men and women who are troubled by the look of their nipples or areolae. Patients who have nipples that point downward, sag, or appear misshapen will make great candidates for the procedure. Ideal patients should be in good physical health and have realistic expectations.

Contact Our Office

Dr. Rikesh Parikh proudly provides innovative cosmetic procedures that are designed to help men and women in Seattle and the surrounding area feel comfortable in their bodies. If you’re interested in learning more about nipple correction surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation today.