LipoSculpted Tummy-Tuck
Conveniently located to serve Seattle and Bellevue
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- Colace (OTC) stool softener
- Tylenol/Acetaminophen
- Dial antibacterial bar soap
- Surgical Paper Tape
- Foam Earplugs
- Alcohol Wipes
- Disposable absorbable mats “Chux Pads” and/or and Maxi Pads (optional)
- Arnica supplements (optional)
- Tight tank top or Cami (optional)
- Additional Compression Garment Stage-2 (optional)
- You may bathe the night or morning before surgery and use Dial antimicrobial bar soap. Please do not wear any lotions, makeup, or products afterwards. Please remove jewelry and nail polish.
- Stop taking NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin) and Vitamin E, fish oil, and Omega vitamins two weeks before your surgery as these may increase your risk bruising and blood loss.
- Please fill your prescriptions and bring all medications with you to your surgery.
- Do not eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to your procedure.
- Set up your vehicle and home before surgery. Expect that you will be draining/leaking fluid afterwards for up to 72 hours. Make sure you cover your car (for the drive home), your bed, chairs/furniture with absorbent mats, towels, or plastic.
- Wear slip-on shoes and loose-fitting clothing. Clothing with front closures like zippers or buttons and sweatpants are preferred.
- Please make arrangements for time off of work (2 weeks is recommended)
- Stay in the company of a responsible adult the first 24 hours (72 hours is best)
- After your procedure, we want you to get up and start walking 30-60 minutes throughout the day. This will reduce your chances of blood clots and will also help with your swelling.
- Do not stand up straight. You need to walk with a slight bend at the waist and hunched over for 2 weeks.
- Do not PUSH, PULL, LIFT, or CARRY anything heavier than 15 pounds for 3 weeks.
- Getting back to exercise and your daily routine is different from patient to patient. We highly recommend that patients take off 2 weeks from work if possible.
- Flying is permitted after 7-10 days. If you’re traveling out of state, make sure to clear your travel plans with Dr. Parikh first.
- Tennis, jogging, aerobics, and other vigorous sports may be resumed approximately 6-8 weeks after surgery.
- If you are unsure, please ask Dr. Parikh before assuming an activity is resumed.
Too Much Activity in the Immediate Postoperative Period Will Result in Excessive Swelling and Possible Bleeding.
- No showering until All your drains have been removed.
- After 72 hours, you may sponge bath. Make sure that you are sitting when removing your compression binder or compression garment in case you get dizzy or light-headed.
- You CAN NOT submerge yourself in any water for at least 4 weeks or until your incision is completely healed.
- We will remove your dressings and foam padding during your postop visits.
- You will cover your incision with surgical paper tape until it has fully healed (3-4 weeks). Make
- sure to change this tape at least once daily to keep the area clean/dry.
- At your first visit (7 days PO) we will remove your dressing over your belly button and show you how to use an earplug to help with shaping. You’ll continue to wear this for several weeks for optimal results. Make sure to change this frequently to prevent this area from getting damp.
- Your sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed.
- Once incisions have fully healed (about 4 weeks) we recommend starting a silicone topical therapy to improve scar appearance. We recommend Silagen products (100% medical grade silicone gel or sheeting) and carry Silagen in our office.
- Please make sure to wear sunscreen with an SPF greater than 30 for long-term scar care. This is a lifelong recommendation.
- You will likely have 2 drains placed underneath your Tummy Tuck incision.
- Your drains will be in for a minimum of 10 days but will depend on the amount of fluid collecting in the drains each day. Usually, drains stay in place for at least 14 days to 21 days.
- Follow the drain instruction handout for more detailed instructions. You will also be given a drain log sheet to record the drainage output. Please remember to bring the drain log with you to all your follow up appointments.
- After your procedure, you will be put into an abdominal binder. The binder needs to be worn for 24 hours a day for the first 4 weeks then 2 more weeks at night (12 hours). This binder must be as tight as tolerated. You may purchase a stage-2 garment from an online retailer such as Isavela, Marena, and Sculptures but keep in mind that your sizing may go down after 2 weeks. Wearing this binder consistently may irritate your skin so we recommend wearing a Cami or tight tank top underneath (you may instead wear a stage-2 garment underneath the binder). If you would like to purchase additional abdominal binders, we sell these in our office.
- As your swelling subsides, you may want to purchase a stage-2 garment to ensure you have enough compression. For optimal results- wear your stage-2 garment underneath your abdominal binder.
- For pain control, take Tylenol with narcotic pain medication to treat severe pain. Make sure you are taking Colace as soon as you begin taking narcotic pain medication to prevent constipation.
- It is normal to have an itching sensation in the areas that underwent liposuction and along your abdominal incision. This gradually resolves over the next 3-6 months
- You may notice that your swelling varies from day to day. This is normal and, in general, subsides within 6 months.
- Sharp shooting pains and a burning sensation along your incision line is normal and means your nerves are regenerating and this resolves within 9 months.
- You may notice areas of firmness in liposuctioned areas. If you do have notable areas of firmness, massage these areas. Be consistent and massage liposuctioned areas for 10 minutes, three times per day until firmness resolves. This may take several weeks to months to fully resolve.
- A temperature greater than 101 degrees.
- A sudden increase in drainage, pain, or swelling at the incision site or the surrounding area.
- If you have persistent vomiting, have a pharmacy number so a script can be called in.
- Any questions regarding your care.
You may contact Dr. Parikh directly if you experience an urgent question or concern after hours.